Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Between friends

Day 4 (of 30ish)

Things I love

In which I tell you about my other BFF ♥

My friend Kat is probably one of my favorite people in the whole world and I'll tell you why.

Just about everything she touches works out. I don't know how she does it, but I am in awe.
The more kids she has around her, the more she thrives. It's all I can do to make it through the day with 2 and she make 4 and sometimes 6 kids look like a walk in the park.
She is completely comfortable in her own skin and if you don't like it, tough.
She has been my friend since High School and even though there have been times when we weren't close, we always return to the comfortable friendship that only true friends experience.
Family comes first for her. Always.
She's ballsy. In a good way.
I know that I can call her anytime, anyplace for anything and she will always be there.
She's one of those people that subscribes to the mentality that if you fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us. I like that.
She loves me for me. Not who I could be or who I could be for her. Me. Just me. That's awesome.

You should go visit her at Kat


  1. The Kat loves you. unconditionally loves you. I'm lucky to call you a friend. You're the sister I always wanted. <3

  2. True story, every bit of it. Every day is a good day because you are my friend.


Comments? I love comments! Drinks all around!