Monday, December 10, 2012

In which I get heckled

This is the pin that I posted. Funny, right? I realized the other day that I haven't been fond of a presidential candidate in many, many years, so this isn't me just harping on Obama. But, you know, take it any way you want ;)

Love theis president

If you are so inherently opposed to what I pin, why bother following this board? This isn't meant to be a public forum for debate.

I'm not follpwing you, don't worry. Just can't stand haters when I accidently run across them in this world. Sorry for you.

Oh brother...get over yourself. Self righteousness is unattractive.
Still sorry for you, now knock it off and talk to someone that agrees with your sick outlook on this world.

Oh honey, you're the one who started commenting, remember? I'm just pinning shit that makes me laugh, not getting butt hurt when I see something I don't agree with.
B: (this is a friend of mine)
Wow, someone needs to get a life don't they?

Another Pinterest user:
LOVE THIS PIN!!! So sad, but true!
You know, I think its one of those times where "live and let live" don't apply. I'm sure, had the election gone the other way, her boards would be filled with Romney bashing pins. It's all good, people like that amuse me more than anything :)
No I don't pin hateful things. Would block all you haters with no respect if I could. What are you teaching your children?. So Sad .

Wow, who ate your bowl of sunshine? It's called having a sense of humor, you should try it. And feel free to block me anytime, seeing as you keep coming back to my pins...not the other way around.
Funny shit, huh? My personal favorite is where she questions my parenting skills. Now, I'm curious, of the two of us, which one seems to be hateful and aggressive?  


  1. cRaZy!

    I had a sort of hater on one of my pins. She didn't like that I put the directions to one of my pins in the comments. I did that because I didn't want to have to go to the website every time I looked at certain pins. I told her I didn't give a poo what she thought, and it was for me, not her. She hasn't commented back. Don't tell me how to pin!!!

  2. Oh, the Pinterest drama!! People make me tired.


Comments? I love comments! Drinks all around!